The teachings here are all re-told from an extremely comprehensive website called The original authorship of these teachings therefore belongs to the author of that website. Most of the apostolic and prophetic documents on that site are 20-40 pages or more in length with numerous links between articles. The purpose of this website is to draw together the related but different articles of wisdom given by into a more accessible portion size. At the end of each of the documents here you will find a list of the articles from which they first appeared, so you can read further into the subject matter to get biblical confirmation of what has been presented, it is hoped that the articles will have already resonated with your spirit.
If you are seeking biblical understanding of the common terms used but misunderstood by believers today, such as tribulation, rapture, apocalypse, etc you will find the glossary below useful. If you are aware of the end times you might find timely advice from these articles you could implement in your Christian walk. If you have thoughts and beliefs that there is something wrong in the “church”, you have come to the right place. If you want to fulfil your calling but don’t know how or what to do you might find enlightenment here. If you have been awaiting the “latter rain” and want to fulfil your calling in the final act there will be something here for you.
May the Lord bless you richly in your pursuit of Him.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14v6
This A-Z list of definitions are used in the articles on this site. There is a simple definition here in the glossary, with details of the corresponding article that mentions the term in context. Readers might find it helpful to read the glossary terms that relate to the article they are about to read before they read it. For ease of reference each definition is colour coded to the article it relates to. The terms will often re-appear in later articles.
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