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19 September 2022
The Revelation of Revelation

Article 1

To reference any terms used in this article, please refer to the helpful glossary. All terms used in this article are in yellow for your ease. Please note that there is a downloadable version of this article at the bottom of this page, all scriptures are taken from the King James version of the Bible.

To understand the book of Revelation it is good to begin by questioning - what is about to be revealed? Or who is about to be revealed? As we know the full title of the final book of scripture is The Revelation of Christ. Regrettably, many believers have not yet understood how He will be revealed and where, and this is delaying His return. With that in mind this article will link scriptures from several different chapters, of both the old and new covenant from the King James Version of the Bible. It will focus on the message contained in the book of Revelation but use scripture from other books of the Bible, that evidently relate to the same event, to expand and confirm the meanings given later. It will give insight into terms such as the horses of the apocalypse, the abomination of desolation, the seals, trumpets, and vials to name a few. You may find that reading the explanations given in the glossary on the Home page, before you read this article will help you to understand it more readily. The Home page also gives details about the birthing of this website. Readers will understand that this article is a re-telling of comprehensive wisdom found on the website.

By way of an introduction to the last book of the bible it should be made clear to begin with that the Revelation letters are not simply letters that applied to churches in Asia far back in history. All seven of the letters and warnings are applicable to individual believers, the Temples of God, today. We should know if we are called by God to be an apostle, prophet, evangelist, or pastor and teacher. The letter to Ephesus is to the apostles amongst us now. The letter to Smyrna is to the prophets, the letter to Pergamos the evangelists, on and on in consecutive order as per the Ephesians 4 list of ministries. The final two letters, to Philadelphia and the Laodiceans are not attached to the five-fold ministry positions directly but the anointing from them can be received by a believer in any of the five ministries. Though we may not know our calling or ministry yet, we all have a five-fold ministry space to fill which is necessary to build the body of Christ (Ephesians 4). There may be questions about this but as these ministries each have a commandment linked to them (Exodus 20v13-17) giving them the rights to operate, it is safe to say they are for everybody. It is widely taught and believed that these letters are an irrelevance to us today, but this is false teaching, they are most pertinent to us now at the end of the age. If the God we worship is like Father xmas, loving, soft and gooey, then it is easy to believe we can ignore these letters of admonishment and encouragement, but if the God we want to worship is righteous and full of justice and judgement then it might be more important to consider them relevant today.

Isaiah 9v7 

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

The five W’s; Who, What, Why, When, Where?

Let us look at the first scripture outside of the book of Revelation so that we can begin to understand what we are looking at and how relevant it is to us now in 2022. In Matthew 24 the Lord gives direction to the disciples about the end of the age and His return, a clear nod to the book of Revelation. We can define this scripture as the When. The Who is often the reader or the speaker. In Matthew 24 the Who is the Lord himself, His own words recorded. He gives details of the things that will occur, prophecy, so this would be the What? The additional scripture of Revelation 6, would be the purpose or the motive, the Why? After this the swapping of tribal positions portrayed in Genesis 29-35 relative to their positions in Revelation 7, the 144,000 of the 12 tribes then becomes the Where, the confirmation, which should take place in our understanding, in us, the Temples of God, and ultimately in our soul and spirit.

Matthew 24v1-4

And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

After the Lord’s caution above, he proceeds to give another warning in verses 15-18, 

When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand). Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

The King James version and many other translations are misleading here. It should be noted that the words in brackets within Jesus’ advice are in the original translation so were spoken by him. As we read the words, He is saying them to us personally today.

In verse 29 the Lord also gives another warning,

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

Many have already observed that verse 29 is very similar to Revelation 8v12, the fourth angel sounding their trumpet. 

And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

Notice that the Lord’s words above say that immediately after the tribulation of those days the events will occur. So, after the events of the four trumpets the sun, moon and stars will incur change. This is not a literal reference to the celestial bodies. As some believers know the events depicted as the seven seals, seven trumpets, seven vials and the two witnesses all represent the same sequence of events from their own view. The seals are the apostolic view, the lion face. The trumpets the prophetic view, the eagle face. The vials the evangelistic view, the ox/bull face and the two witnesses the pastor-teacher, man face.

It is important to remember here that the Lamb of God opens the first seal to much joy and celebration in heaven. Also recall that the letters of Revelation 1-3, which precede the opening of the seals etc in Revelation 4, are largely letters of personal admonishment from the Lord to all believers who should be operating in the five-fold ministry positions that build and prepare the body of Christ. These letters give stark warnings to most, that they are falling short, and the consequences of their inaction or wrong thinking. The dividing of the sheep and goats comes to mind here, but this may be another article. The separating of those who gave drink, food, clothing etc to the least of the brethren relates to how we use the five-fold ministry endowments given to us to support the remnant. (Matthew 25v40)

The opening of the first seal begins a progression which goes on to the fifth seal, where the Christian martyrs are waiting for God to exact His revenge for their blood being shed. This series of events therefore strongly relates to Christian behaviour, sacrifice, and martyrdom - sometimes the sacrifice is literal sometimes spiritual, but it always requires the end of our self and the beginning of another. The opening of the seals of Revelation is a journey every Christian must go through to enable the Lord’s return and His Revelation to occur. A journey to dismantle the false church structure and allow the personal development of us as the Temples of God. This implies that our old understanding of the white horse rider cannot be correct. Would the enemy want the full number of martyrs to be completed? Would he want the fourth/fifth seal to be completed so that the sixth can be opened? (As the fourth seal contributes to the number of those waiting in the fifth seal it is helpful to consider them alongside each other though they are separate).

So now we can begin to see how the Lord’s warnings of Matthew 24 about the “abomination of desolation” and his instruction to “observe and flee” relates to the book of Revelation. In the apostolic view of Revelation 6 the seals include the four horses of the apocalypse. 

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked and behold a pale (green) horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Let us remind ourselves now of what the Lord said in Matthew 24 to the readers of God’s word in 2022. What should we do when we see the “abomination of desolation”?

v16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains

v17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house

v18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

These three instructions relate to the horses of the apocalypse (Rev 6) so that verse 16 is the appropriate response of the individual who has heard the white horse shout, reminding them that they are a King and a Priest unto God. There is no hierarchy any longer. Once the white horse shout has been heard, believers are given a prophetic bow and an evangelistic crown. It becomes uncomfortable staying inside the religious-structures-of-stone knowing that we as individuals are the Temples of God. This higher-up-place within our head and heart is what Jesus meant by "flee into the mountains". (This is not pride but rather awareness). After this Revelation opens within us, and whilst we remain inside the building of stone, we can choose to become a red horse rider. This is the moment we begin to be a nuisance, a pest, to the church leader and the other believers around us. With the evangelistic crown and prophetic bow functioning within us we cannot keep to ourselves the new understanding we have. An awakened awareness of who we are, with Christ on the INside of us. With the great “spiritual sword” you have been given, (Rev 6v4) you question and challenge the traditions and falsehoods and “take peace from the earth” - the other believers, still languishing in earthly thinking and crippled into inactivity. There is no such position or title in scripture of archbishop, archdeacon, or "arch"-pastor etc. As believers there are no people of hierarchy to be perceived above or ruling over us within the church. The Lord came to take away the wall of partition between us so that we could all have direct access without the need for an intermediary who tries to be more reverent, pious, or holier than we are. We begin to operate as new covenant believers as the seals are opened. The fading-in-importance structures-of-stone soon become unbearable, and red horse riders are either chased out, or flee - with peace, knowing that they are following the Lord’s instructions and making space for Him to return inside the Temple of God – us.

Verse 17 relates to the black horse and verse 18 to the green horse. The progression from red to black takes us on a journey where the disapproval of those leaders responsible for creating the false stone structures increases. As this happens the desire for the ending of the false structure and the return of the Lord brings us to implement “weighing”, with the scales the Lord gives us. The black horse shortage, where a day’s wages doesn’t cover the cost of the barley and the wheat (Rev 6v6) is something we can all relate to currently - on earth as in heaven. The letter to the Laodiceans is relevant here. The transition from red to black is a lonely one but the Lord said we should, not come down from the housetop to take anything out of the house. The transition from black to green takes us out of our former comfort zone into a place where we can wield prophetically the authority given to the green horse who is called Death and hades follows. The green horse (Rev 6v8) is given power.

“And power was given unto them over the fourth part (1/4) of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth”. 

For those unrepentant “leaders of the church” who had great responsibility and did not approve of judgement, and who limited the growth of those they “cared for” a spiritual encounter with a green horse rider is often an unpleasant experience which will last throughout eternity. This is all "deadly stuff", but our God is a holy God. A righteous God. Hence the Lord’s warning to the green horses in the field He says, do not return to get your clothes. The “spiritual deaths” of the majority of “leaders” of the church have already occurred and this is becoming evident. Many in the "CON-gregation" will soon see “the(ir) emperor is naked - wearing no spiritual clothes”. The green horse riders will come to remove their "spiritually dead" bodies.

Twelve Tribes Changing

There may be questioning about some of the things said here but let us look and compare the lists of the 12 tribes in Genesis and Revelation, the first and last books of scripture. The beginning where God saw Adam and Eve fall, and the end where His son is revealed in us as individual Temples of the living God.

So, Genesis 29, 30 + 35 provide the complete lists of the sons of Jacob born to him by Leah, Bilhah, Zilpah, and Rachel that we must compare with Revelation 7. These are the12 tribes of the sons of Jacob (Israel) - the church. As some believers have noticed the tribes are in a different order in the old and new covenant. God made a deliberate change in the order of the 12 tribes for a reason. If we ponder on this briefly, we might recall that different tribes had different prophecies and blessings declared over them but was there more purpose in God’s re-ordering of the 12 tribes? 

Genesis – The Natural Order of the Tribes

So, the chart above shows that the first move takes Judah above Simeon and Levi. In the second move Judah goes above Reuben. In the third move the pair of Simeon and Levi swap with the pair of Gad and Asher. The fourth swap sees Dan replaced by Manasseh, and Naphtali takes their place. The significance of all this tribal re-arranging is that it represents the impact of the horses. Each horse we hear and respond to represents a move that takes place in our heart, a seal removed.

With the first swap we recognise our position is equal with all other believers, we become a new covenant believer with direct access to the Lord. In the second swap we oppose the monopoly of the current church leaders, seeing the prophetic and evangelistic potential in all fellow believers. We move Judah to the top, in the highest place, the "mountain-top" that the Lord referred to in Matthew 24v16. We recognise ourselves as Kings and Priests unto God, who was revealed through the tribe of Judah. The other swaps also represent the events that we go through in our own personal Christian journey as the seals are opened and we mature from natural born to spiritual being, living as a Temple of God.

Revelation - The Spiritual Order of the Tribes

As was stated previously we the believers are to become the Temple of the living God (1 Corinthians 3v16) so it should be no surprise that the Lord declared that his coming back again, and the end of the age, would require that all the man-made temples of stone be torn down. Are the temples which the Lord saw from the mount of olives that day with the disciples very different from the temples/churches we see on the High Street of most major towns and cities of the UK, the United Kingdom today? They both had/have traditions and human regulations about how things were to be done. They both had/have a hierarchy in place. Why does the Church of England along with all other de-nominate-ions have a hierarchy between the archbishops, bishops, priests, vicars, reverends, pastors, etc and the jolly congregation “beneath” them given that we are all Kings and Priests unto God? We all have a part to play in being the body of Christ. These spiritual, tribal changes can occur in us, if, and when we open the seals of our hearts. This will allow us to become the people of God, He intended us to be. We will take control of fulfilling our destiny and callings. If we think along these lines, we might begin to understand why the Lord has not returned yet. Where would He go if we have no space for Him within us and are content to gather inside a brick or stone building? Should we have a little more interest in identifying the “abomination of desolation” He cautioned us to look out for?

The Fourth Seal

We are currently approaching the end of the 4th seal of Revelation 6, which as we know is intimately linked to the 5th seal, so this seal is also nearing its end. This means the 6th seal will soon be opening. Knowing this we might question whether we had already seen the “abomination of desolation” at our temple/church building? Did we do anything about it? Should we be following the Lord’s instructions He gave to flee? Do we understand where we should flee?

Some might ask, how do we know that we are in the time of the fourth seal? We should first remember that what happens in heaven then happens on the earth. If we observe current worldly events, we see that they boldly proclaim a global cost-of-living crisis, a monumental increase in prices, where we hear constant reference to wheat and oil. The biggest current event in the Red (Edom) country has spiritual roots that are not adequately explained by blaming one country or another for its actions and decisions (for a greater understanding of this military conflict readers would do well to read the prophecy of Obadiah). The occurrence of increased food prices and shortages are depicted in Revelation 6v5-6 which states:

And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

Oil and wine are references to the prophetic and the evangelistic so those operating in these two endowments will not be hurt. As we know believers are “in the world but not of the world”, we are citizens of heaven. Do we understand that society follows and reflects what happens in the church? On earth as in heaven. Clearly the cost-of-living crisis could be perceived as a black horse event, the third seal, but in the fourth seal the events of the second, third and fourth seal all come together at the same time, a monumental increase. In God’s eyes we are in the fourth seal. It is believed this began with the disastrous earthquake and tsunami of 2004 with two other major natural “disasters” in the months before being the natural occurrences of the second and third seals. The natural being the fore-runner of the spiritual. The fourth seal events are much worse than those of the third seal as explained in Revelation 6v7-8 when Death and Hell come to the earth. 

Revelation 6:7

And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the  voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale (green) horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the “earth”.

The judgement of God upon the false “leaders” will have caused their “death”, either literally or spiritually, depending on whether they can or will repent. Their “literal or spiritual” dead bodies will soon be thrown out by their congregations. The believers who insist on upholding these demi-gods also risk being cast aside. The “earth” relates to those believers who hold on to earthly teachings of tradition and literal thinking - denying the spiritual - along with many who never believed or accepted God or His salvation.

The events of the opening of the seals, trumpets, vials etc relate to the personal journey of every believer where seals are opened in their heart and their understanding developed. The first seal begins the journey with the understanding that all Christians are Kings and Priests unto God, with a direct new covenant relationship. A relationship that does not need the intermediary of a human being to lead and guide us. It’s all about a personal journey that needs to be undertaken to deconstruct the false church, with believers going from natural born to spiritual beings, who are themselves the Temple of God. This is the journey represented and confirmed by the re-ordering of the tribes listed in Genesis and Revelation.

There are believers, the remnant, who recognised the “abomination of desolation” present in the temple/church a long time ago. They saw that the “leaders” of the church had been “deified” (made Gods) and were beyond criticism. These believers listened to the white horse and responded. They have been going through times of tribulation ever since. The white horse has been calling out to believers to recognise they are Kings and Priests, spiritual people. Some believers have heard, and acted, some people have heard and not acted. Time is now very short. The remnant has endured a dreadful tribulation to try to break down the false structure and get other believers to question what is going on. The remnant are fighting to bring the end of the fourth seal, to bring the end of chronological time so spiritual, Kairos time can “tick” again.

Whilst many believers are reluctant to flee from the "abomination of desolation" inside the temples of brick and stone, and simultaneously declare that they each are the Temple of God, the impact and consequence of each horse spreads out across the world, no longer just affecting the “leaders” but also the believers inside and outside of the temple/church and the world outside. On earth as in heaven. Judgement always begins in the church.

The four horse riders of white, red, black, and pale (green) represent a progression of understanding, revealing, and behaviour that the remnant believers are going through now, having seen the “abomination” inside the church and responding to it as the Lord instructed. Whilst some of the remnant believers have already gone through each stage, up to and including the green horse experience to martyrdom, either physically or spiritually, clearly these events are still hidden from those blinded by the tradition of the church hierarchy. What will soon become visible to those observing in spirit, is that the fourth seal is open, and the green horse is riding, and its impact is being felt both by the individual believer who has gone green, the false leaders of the temple/church structure who are dead and dying, along with the global population regardless of whether they are believers or unbelievers. Sadly, many believers are yet to set out on their journey through the seals, and many will never do so. 

We can see that the "world" is attempting to mimic what is happening with their own interpretation of what is going on in the heavenly places because of the urgent message to “go green” to save the planet. Their insistence that we are running out of time is acknowledgement that chronological time is almost finished. The end of the age. They want to keep the old earth, but God wants to bring a new heaven and earth where righteousness will prevail, and the Lord will rule for a thousand years. His new world (order), this has already begun but many believers oppose it whilst misunderstanding and not recognising it.

The opportunity for the “church leaders” to avoid God’s judgement is diminishing, many are already spiritually cast aside, dead or dying. The long wait endured by the martyrs has been extended, firstly by the minimal response to the remnant by the wider church body, who uphold the false structure and its leaders, and secondly by the fact that many black horse riders have delayed their step into green. Is it a good idea to ignore the warning the Lord himself gave in Matthew 24? The wrath of our righteous God that will be poured out upon the “leaders” is evident in Matthew 23, the scribes and pharisees, today’s church “leaders”. They are given many “woes”. They have obstructed God’s plan and there is a dire consequence for this.

In the white horse experience, believers come to the realisation that they are Kings and Priests (Revelation 1v6) just as much as the person who claims to be the Head of their local church, or the head-honcho who believes himself to be an archbishop. The person at the front of the church who addresses the congregation every week is often referred to as the priest, vicar, reverend, or other such label. It is a deliberate choice here not refer to these as titles for all the ministry callings come from God and not theology schools or de-nominate-ions. The person who stands at the front and instructs the rest of the congregation may well be called by God to be a pastor, but the pastor is not called to be the head of the church. There is one head of the church, He is the head of the bride, The Lord.

The “abomination of desolation” is currently present in many church settings, operating freely without regulation, paid to be there and often dressed in a robe of office but what is it? It is the term the Lord used to describe how He perceives the congregation giving their “leader” a position beyond reproach. When they deify their “leader” and believe they and their spouting’s cannot be criticised. Any person who dares to critique the “leader” is perceived to be blaspheming God. To the Lord this is an abomination. One of the catastrophic reasons for this monumental failure is that the person who goes to theology school and then tries to stand in the place of the Lord is not called of the Lord to build the church or to be the Head. We have one spiritual head, the Lord.

The “churches” and temples of stone built for God across the world are up-side-down. They have been built on the foundations of the archbishops and bishops etc, built by spiritually immature leaders who don’t know what God wants, who create their own agendas, and who attempt to build upon tradition and false teaching, and not on the foundation of the apostle and prophet as the Lord instructed, so there is much to criticise.

Ephesians 2v19-21

Now therefore ye are no more strangers and  foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household  of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and  prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone.

Soul versus Spirit

As some believers know the nurturing-to-the-soul, “female-type” role of pastor and teacher are to stay inside the church and not go out projecting as the apostle, prophet and evangelist are called to do. They are to nurture the new believer and get them started on their journey. The nourishing-to-the-spirit “male-type” roles of apostle, prophet and evangelist are projecting roles. Projecting is a male attribute as displayed by anatomical design - planned by God for his purposes. The “male-type” ministries go outside into the world, bringing in the newly converted believers to be nurtured inside the church by the pastor and teacher. This is not saying that only men can be apostles, prophets, or evangelists. This is saying the male-spirit INside of us must be actively present in those undertaking these roles. Because these roles have not been fulfilled by believers operating in their spirit correctly the church system has not, and will not fulfil its purpose, and the Lord will not return until this monstrous error in the church “structure” is corrected.

The pastor and teacher have very different attributes necessary for their role of being in a “female” ministry, a motherly, nurturing role. As “females”, they figuratively play the part of the "soul" and should submit themselves to the “male” ministries of apostle, prophet, and evangelist. So, the apostles bring newly revealed wisdom and judgement to the believers. The prophets declare prophecy and make personal sacrifices, and the evangelists go into the world to speak to the hearts of unbelievers to give them the opportunity to accept the offer of salvation.

Our souls should submit to the spirit within us - the new spirit-man that was born INside of us when we became believers. In the same way that a wife should submit to her husband as the soul beneath the spirit, the man being the Head. The so-called current "leaders of the church” in a nurturing role must be perceived and received in the position of soul not spirit, until they operate in spirit themselves. Souls are not designed, qualified, or capable of feeding our spirits even after attending and qualifying from a theology school. Our souls and theirs must bow down and allow the spirit within us, as Temples, to ascend.

The “abomination of desolation” that the Lord cautioned us to watch out for is the dire consequence of the pastoral, nurturing soul taking the wrong position a “pastoral matriarchy” where the female soul dominates over the spirit. This defilement can clearly be seen in wider society now (on earth as in heaven) where the female, soulish-type over-growth is everywhere demanding it be “in charge”. It should be pointed out here that many male and female believers have souls that are not in their correct position, with the spirit assuming its position over the soul, it is not just the “leaders” who are struggling with this issue. This individual problem is a "soul matriarchy", soul above spirit, which enables the "pastoral matriarchy", the pastor/leader’s soul over their own spirit and the "collective" (the members of the congregations’ spirits), to continue. The problems seen in wider society are the responsibility of the leadership of the church where the problem began. The leaders who have given an insipid and weak message, that avoids judgement and dealing with the fundamental issues, that prevent growth of the spirit, but allows the soul to "wallow in the muck", have opened the door to allow in a whole host of insidious spirits that we could well do without. The pastoral matriarchy’s soul in this position often leads believers astray and obstructs their growth in the five-fold ministry positions. They love “their flock” to worship them and follow their plans and agendas, which generally have nothing of God in them. Did any church leader ever recognise that someone was called as an apostle, prophet, evangelist or pastor and teacher? Unlikely. They deny “their flock” the opportunity to grow and mature, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and don’t have any interest in going in themselves.

Matthew 23v12-13

And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

The leaders of the "pastoral matriarchy" churches do not recognise that the flock is God’s and that we are all spiritual beings. They choose instead to cripple believers in their calling and sell the God-given power and authority they unwittingly stole from them to the ungodly spirits that abound in the current church system, where there is no proper righteousness and spiritual judgement. This soulish system that has created countless traditions, regulations and hierarchies and done much harm to the coming together of the bride will soon be defeated. We all have our part to play in this.

If anything written here resonates as truth in your spirit the first heart seal may have been opened within you. Can you now recognise that you are a new covenant believer? Do you understand that you have direct access to the Lord without an intermediary or soulish ambassador to intervene on your behalf? Do you think you have heard the white horse shout? If you have then you have experienced the swap that is represented by the change of order of the tribes listed in Genesis and Revelation. The tribe of Judah within you has moved to second place below Reuben. Fellow believer you are a King and a Priest unto God. Revelation 6 tells us that you have been given evangelistic grace, a crown, and prophetic grace, a bow, and you are invited by the Lord to go out "conquering and to conquer". You are first to "conquer and defeat" the “matriarchal” beast inside the temple/church who wants to “mother” you and keep you as a “toddler” inside the church. “Soulish-She” does not want you to know that you are a spiritual being, a King and a Priest with a calling, a ministry, and a purpose for being. You are then to "conquer the world unto God". When you hear the white horse, you can begin to use the grace God has given you. When you do this, you can choose to be a red, then black then green horse rider.

“Beam me up Scotty!!!”

The Lord prompted the inclusion of one final element here, it is the understanding of the “rapture”. Many people believe this to be the long-awaited extraordinary moment when all the good and godly believers get sucked up into heaven and leave the ungodly behind to incur God’s wrath on the earth. The authorship of many books and movies relates to this idea of the “left behind”. However, any believer anticipating this event will be sadly disappointed. It is not going to happen in that way. Being snatched away from an unpleasant and dreadful event to come is not how God operates. He knows that out of the bad comes the good.

A rapture event is a moment of “enlightenment”. As believers we have already gone through at least one rapture experience. At conversion when we accepted the Lord as saviour, understanding and receiving the Word of God as it was “seed planted in good ground”, that was the moment we first experienced a rapture event. Hearing the white horse and becoming a red horse is a second rapture moment, when we are “snatched away” to the white/red horse heaven. (Knowing what the Son gave us, John 10v28). There is another “snatching away” event when we have the third seal opened in our heart and we go from red to black horse. We go into the black horse heaven. (Knowing what the Father does) John 10v29. Between the black horse heaven and the green horse heaven (we know what the Holy Spirit gives us) this is a 3rd heaven which Paul spoke of (2Cor12v2). There is a time coming when the Lord will give accelerated development to believers through the black to green horse stages without the suffering or enduring others have gone through. After this there is one final level of “rapture”, the fifth level, where snatching of the heavens unto God occurs. Let those who have ears hear.

Matthew 11v12

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.


The original website articles are listed below. They give further insight and the scriptural references that are foundational to this revelatory, apostolic, and prophetic teaching. Before reading these additional sources, readers may find it useful to read the upcoming articles in this series here on this website which go through the five "W"s in this introductory format. Each article will contain its own list of additional materials to follow up with.

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20 September 2022
The triangle of evil depicts the position of the ungodly spirits that we must all fight against to operate successfully in the ministry position that was given to us by God at natural birth, not salvation.
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